A Message from Fr. Daniel Griffith: Looking ahead to summer May 23, 2024

Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration
May 26, 6:00pm
Join us as we host the Eucharistic Congress pilgrims at 5:00pm Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration at 6:00pm. 

Memorial Day
May 27
Mass will be at 8:30am as the Eucharistic Congress pilgrims continue on to the Eucharistic procession down Summit Avenue in St. Paul. (No 7:00am or Noon Mass held, Basilica offices will be closed)

Summer Kids Party
June 1, 3:30pm
Dance along to videos on the big screen, enjoy pizza and root beer floats, play mini-carnival games and much more.

Young Family Hospitality
June 2, After 9:30am Mass
Join other families with young children for special outdoor hospitality on the west lawn (freeway side). 

Mental Health Blessing and Ice Cream Social
June 2, after 9:30am and 11:30am Masses
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join us for activities and free ice cream treats. 

Children, Family & Youth Ministry
Registration for Faith Formation classes for the 2024-2025 program year will be open at the end of May. 

Suor Angelica
June 26-29
The co-production of this Giacomo Puccini opera by Out of the Box Opera and The Basilica of Saint Mary will take audiences on an immersive journey through The Basilica. Opening night, June 26 is Basilica night.

Basilica Block Party
Boom Island Park
August 2 & 3
More than 20 Bands. It’ll Be Epic!

Matching your giving spirit.
Make a new gift that is meaningful to you and our generous donors will match it by June 30th. Please help us close the year-end fiscal gap by making a new gift in addition to your existing commitment.