A Message from Fr. Daniel Griffith: Parish News and Celebrations May 25, 2023

Landmark Spark
Our recent Landmark Spark event was a rousing success. Thank you to everyone who attended, supported, and participated in Landmark Spark to support the restoration and preservation of our Basilica. 

Matching Gift Challenge
Several donors have committed a total of $50,000 as a dollar-for-dollar matching challenge gift. Your gift by June 30 to The Basilica Fund will be 100% matched until we reach $50,000. Please help us close the year-end fiscal gap and keep our parish strong as we look to the future.

Staff Realignment
Effective July 1, 2023, The Basilica will move to a three Managing Director Model which will anchor responsibilities and authority in three highly competent, well-respected, and long serving staff members:

  • Terri Ashmore, Managing Director of Mission Advancement and Executive Director of The Basilica Landmark
  • Johan Van Parys, Managing Director of Ministries 
  • Audra Johnson, Managing Director of Parish Operations 

I very much appreciate the openness of my three talented colleagues in taking on and embracing these additional responsibilities. Their gifts and experience are well suited to these expanded roles and responsibilities – please congratulate and thank them when you see them. Lastly, the Learning Department will enfold into Christian Life and Liturgy and the Arts – with life-long learning merging into Christian life and all sacramental preparation merging into Liturgy. In the listening sessions it was communicated consistently that the strengths of our parish ministries are – Liturgy and Music and Christian life. This is due, in large part, to the commitment and vision of both Johan and Janice. By enfolding learning and sacramental preparation into Christian life and Liturgy, respectively, I believe that learning will also be lifted to a place of excellence for the good of the parish.

I ask for your prayers for the parish staff and parish as we implement these structural changes in the coming weeks and months.

Join us for Mass this weekend as we celebrate the birth of the Church and the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Vespers will be held at 3:00pm.