Eucharist with the Sacrament of the Sick
Anyone who is suffering from a physical or mental illness or who will be undergoing surgery or any other medical procedure is invited to attend this Mass with family and friends.
We will pray for patience, strength and a speedy recovery; and we will anoint those in need with the Oil of the Sick.
For more information, please call the rectory office at 612.333.1381.
History and Theology
Jesus showed great care for those who were sick and was concerned with their bodily and spiritual well being.
According to the Letter of James 5:14-16, people are to bring the sick to the priest so that they can be anointed and prayer can be offered on their behalf.
The Council of Trent stated anointing was for the sick and dying. Because this anointing was often connected with Viaticum (the last communion one receives before dying) this sacrament was commonly referred to as part of the Last Rites.
Since the second Vatican Council, great progress has been made to return the sacrament to its original theology as a sacrament of healing, rather than one of dying.
Today, the Church gathers to anoint those who are ailing with the healing Oil of the Sick and to pray for their well-being. Those celebrating the sacrament are supported through the prayers of the community. In turn, the community’s faith is strengthened by the witness of those who are sick.