Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring.
- Pope Francis
A Message from Fr. Daniel Griffith
Today, we ask for your support to help us continue building our community of hope. If you enjoy the beautiful liturgies, inspiring music, speakers on topics like Catholic Social Teaching and the Eucharist, and outreach to those in need, please consider making a recurring gift to The Basilica Fund. Your generous financial contributions make these vital ministries happen.
Empowering Vital Ministries, Engagement, and Operations
Your support is truly the key to our thriving parish community.
Your commitment to The Basilica Fund today will lead to a sustainable and bright future for our vital ministries.
Your recurring gift to The Basilica will ensure that:
Our Liturgies Remain Vibrant
We provide spiritual nourishment through inspiring worship services and liturgical celebrations.
We Serve with Hope and Generosity
We welcome everyone with respect, hospitality, and compassion, especially those most in need.
We Advocate for Justice and Peace
We stand as a tireless advocate for justice and peace in our community and beyond, along with providing a warm and welcoming place of refuge for all who enter our doors.
“I knew I didn't want to just attend Mass. I wanted to become a part of the community. And that is exactly what I received. A community centered in faith, spirituality, service, and love. Truly life changing.” - Leslie Philmon
“I think that it is important that my children see my wife and I volunteer for our church. I would like them to realize that we value our Catholic faith. I want them to feel God’s love in their life and the Holy Spirit working in them.” - Chad Sivertson
My Basilica Story
I was first attracted to The Basilica building— but once I set foot inside and experienced the beautiful liturgies, I felt called to get more involved and found a community here that has been a source of joy, comfort, hope, and inspiration.
As a Minister of Hospitality and a Docent, I meet some of The Basilica’s many visitors from all over the world. People come for all kinds of reasons and all walks of life. It is a privilege to welcome them and to listen to their stories.
Our liturgies and adult learning programs have been instrumental in my formation, especially the thought-provoking speakers on relevant issues in our world. I’ve also met some of my closest friends through shared ministry, which has truly made The Basilica feel like home.
I give my financial support because I believe in The Basilica’s mission and vision. I’m happy to do this to ensure that The Basilica’s ministries and programs remain strong for years to come.
When I came to the Twin Cities in 2009 and was looking for where to worship, the opening lines at Mass and the homily moved me to join The Basilica and to remain. “Wherever you are in your faith journey, we welcome you.”
These words took on a larger meaning as we’ve gone through the tough times and Black men like me continue to struggle through rejection and the many injustices that at times have culminated in death. The Basilica has remained that bastion of hope in a tumultuous city, a sure safe haven where all are truly welcomed to come and enjoy the exquisite celebrations of our most sacred liturgies.
My kids love The Basilica. They’ve been in the children’s music program, faith formation classes, First Eucharist, and my eldest was confirmed last spring. She and I have been singing Silent Night in Duala language at the Christmas Midnight Mass for a few years. I also collaborate in organizing the Mass of Solidarity. The Basilica is our religious home.