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Andrea Lutterman Learning

Parish Member since 2010

I have been attending The Basilica since 2008. I officially became a parishioner in 2010 after I answered a repeated call for a Wednesday evening catechist role.

I was a catechist with early elementary ages for 5 years. When I felt a call to deepen my knowledge, I joined Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) as a sponsor. After two years as an RCIA sponsor I was invited to join the team.

As a team member, I support adults who are seeking to join the church and those who are sponsoring them. I also help to plan the weekly sessions and retreats as well as facilitating those events. In the last year, I have also joined the Acolyte and Eucharistic Minister teams.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Minnesota State University, Mankato. I worked in public accounting in Mankato for a few years and have been working in Minneapolis in various accounting roles since 2008.