The historic Church will be beautifully decorated with evergreen trees and poinsettias. The music, liturgy, and community create a special Christmas experience for all.
Tuesday, December 24-Christmas Eve
2:00pm Christmas Vigil Eucharist*
Children’s choirs, cantor, organ, flute (livestream)
Celebrant: Archbishop Bernard Hebda
5:00pm Christmas Vigil Eucharist*
Mundus and Juventus choirs (contemporary/world music) (livestream)
Celebrant: Fr. Joseph Gillespie, OP
8:00pm Christmas Vigil Eucharist*
Piano, cantor, cello, violin
Celebrant: Fr. Peter Brandenhoff
11:00pm Instrumental Prelude
organ, harp
11:30pm Vigil of Lights*
Cathedral Choir, organ
Midnight Solemn Eucharist*
Cathedral Choir, organ, brass, harp (livestream)
Celebrant: Fr. Daniel Griffith
Wednesday, December 25-Christmas Day
7:30am Eucharist at Dawn
Organ, cantor, violin, soprano soloist
Celebrant: Fr. Harry Tasto
9:30am Solemn Eucharist*
Cathedral Choir, organ, brass, strings (livestream)
Celebrant: Fr. Daniel Griffith
Noon Solemn Eucharist
Cathedral Choir, organ, brass, strings
Celebrant: Fr. Daniel Griffith
4:00pm Eucharist
Music from around the world
Celebrant: Fr. Joseph Gillespie, OP
*ASL Interpreted
Minneapolis College Parking Ramp
No charge Christmas Eve after 8:00pm and Christmas Day.
1420 Hennepin Ave S. (north side of Hennepin Ave).