Creation Justice

Celebrate the Basilica’s First Season of Creation!

The Basilica invites you to reflect, pray, learn, and act for our Common Home - our planet Earth! 

Designated by the Pope in 2015, the annual Season of Creation is a global movement intended to celebrate the Gift of Creation and call Catholics to action to help protect it. The Season starts with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1st and concludes on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4th. 

Season of Creation


Events and Prayer

Speaker Series

Join us for a three-part lecture series focused on environmental stewardship and climate change, designed to inspire, educate, and ignite action.

Come together in prayer and action to care for creation and reflect on ecological and economic ways of living.

  • Sunday September 8th 11:15am (after 9:30am Mass) Fr. Daniel Griffith: Catholic Foundations of Caring for Creation - click HERE for the recording
  • Sunday, September 15th 11:15am (after 9:30am Mass) Dr. Joe Fargione: Climate Change 101 - click HERE for the recording
  • Sunday September 22nd 11:15am (after 9:30am Mass) Greg Stanley: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint - click HERE for the recording 

We invite and encourage you to celebrate the Season of Creation by participating in events specifically hosted by The Basilica of St. Mary and in addition, other activities and events - click on the link to find a variety of activities.

Activities and events calendar

CJC Team

CJC Team

Andy WilletteAndy Willette has been a parishioner and choir member at the Basilica since 1996.  He and his beloved wife, Amy, have raised 2 children.  Andy had a 28 year career in Information Technology before transitioning to an assistant role at Open Circle Adult Day Services in Hopkins. He is involved with various other climate action efforts, including leading the Minneapolis chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a non-partisan organization which seeks political will for a livable world.  Being a part of the Creation Justice Committee creates room to explore the spiritual connection to the world at large.  Perhaps you also feel that the wonder and beauty of creation provides both inspiration for spiritual growth and a call to action.  As Peter Mayer sings, “Everything is holy now.”

San O'BrienSan O’Brien is a retired nurse by trade, a life-long Catholic, a multi-year social justice advocate and a grandma. She came from Annunciation parish in SW Minneapolis and joined the Basilica when she and her husband, Kevin, moved downtown in 2019. San and her husband raised their three boys in the Annunciation Parish and community. San was Co-Chair of Annunciation's Peace & Justice Committee for several years, where they focused on many social justice issues, including the environment, which ignited her passion for environmental causes. She also helped the Academy of Holy Angels start their composting program and most recently started a "Green Team" at the condo where she resides. San recently joined the Creation Justice Committee at the Basilica because their goals align so closely with her personal “calling.”

Gregory HarrisGregory Harris has been a parish member of the Basilica since shortly after moving to Minneapolis from Tennessee in 2011. He is a research forester at the University of Minnesota studying the dynamics of dead trees in forest ecosystems and their role in carbon cycling, biodiversity, and other ecological services. Gregory is a Benedictine oblate associated with Saint John’s Abbey. As an oblate he dedicates himself to praying the Liturgy of the Hours and applying the principles of the Rule of Saint Benedict to his life.

Joe Fargione

Joe Fargione is a parishioner at the Basilica of St. Mary and a native of Minneapolis. He received his PhD in ecology from the University of Minnesota in 2004. He is the Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy’s North America Region and a coauthor of the Fifth National Climate Assessment. His work focuses on quantifying nature’s benefits to people, including the potential for nature to contribute to fighting climate change.

Rachel HolmesRachel Holmes is a conservationist called to protect nature - human and nonhuman alike - for current and future generations. She has a particular passion for trees and forests, and after a decade at The Nature Conservancy, she recently joined the USDA Forest Service - Washington Office as the Forest Health Specialist. She is also a wildland firefighter. A transplant from the East Coast, Rachel became a Basilica parishioner in January 2023. She considers herself fortunate to deepen her faith through serving on the Creation Justice Committee alongside her inspiring colleagues. Rachel earned a Master of Divinity and a Master of Forestry, both from Yale University, and a Bachelor of Science from Rutgers University.

Deborah SundquistDeborah Sundquist returned to the Catholic Church and joined the Basilica in January 2023 after spending 40 years as a Lutheran. She was born and raised as a Catholic in St. Paul, graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in Political Science and minor in Middle Eastern studies and energy policy. She earned her J.D. from Mitchell Hamline School of Law and was a partner at the law firm of Aafedt Forde where she represented employers in employment law and workers’ compensation litigation. In 2015, Gov. Dayton appointed her as a judge to the Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals where she continues to serve. Deb is a proud mom of four children and grandmother to one grandchild. She married Mick in 2011 and is blessed with an extended family of two sons, daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren. Her goal for the CJC is to reduce The Basilica’s energy costs through renewable alternatives like solar.

Theresa PtakTheresa Ptak has been a parishioner of the Basilica since 2013, living and working in south Minneapolis as a professional graphic artist. Her career in creativity has explored avenues of branding, advertising, retail design and packaging– but her most rewarding work has involved supporting local land advocacy initiatives and parks in the state of Minnesota. She has developed creative educational content in partnership with Friends of the Boundary Waters, Stop Line 3 Movement, as well as co-designed the first certified Forest Bathing Trail in the state with Three Rivers Park District. Theresa also serves on the Minnesota Climbers Association board of directors, and loves connecting people to the beautiful rocks and cliff sides of the midwest! She looks forward to serving the Basilica community on the Creation Justice Committee and has big love for the mission of Laudato Si'.


Laudato Si’Pope Francis set out in his encyclical Laudato Si’ on the care of creation and his more recent Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Dominum.

Laudato Si Movement

Catholic Climate Covenant

Center for Mission - Care for Creation

2024 Lenten Fast for Creation Reflections by CJC Team Members

Consider an Energy Fast by Andy Willette

Fast for Creation: Going Meatless by San O'Brien

Plastic Fast by Gregory Harris

Curb your Climate Pollution by Driving Less by Joe Fargione

Reflecting on Our Internal Environment by Rachel Holmes 

Fasting from Materialism by Deborah Sundquist

If you are interested in learning more or joining this committee, please contact:

Janice Andersen

Director of Christian Life

Janice Andersen has been on staff at The Basilica of Saint Mary since 1994, working with programs…
