When the opportunity arose to serve as Interim Managing Director of Mission Advancement at The Basilica, a wave of emotions swept over me. As a long-time parishioner, lay leader, volunteer, and Basilica devotee, I felt deeply called to accept the role. Yet, I also wondered how this experience might change my perspective and relationships. Following the retirement of Terri Ashmore, whose dedication set a high standard, I also recognized the task ahead would challenge me. After prayerful reflection, I entered the opportunity with a heart full of gratitude for my spiritual home and a firm trust in God’s grace to guide me.
I’ve learned a lot in the last two months. Much of what I have learned is similar to what anyone experiences when starting a new role like figuring out who does what, and how to best accomplish daily work. But some of what I have discovered in these first weeks has been both humbling and inspiring. Despite believing I knew The Basilica well, joining the staff has given me a much deeper understanding of the layers of dedication, effort, and grace that are invisible to most of us. The sheer magnitude of what it takes to sustain our parish, outreach ministries, and facilities is astounding. From my new vantage point, I’ve witnessed what I can only describe as countless daily miracles—quiet, transformative moments that embody the essence of our Catholic faith.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a miracle as “a sign or wonder such as a healing, or control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power”. Scripture contains many miracles performed by Jesus: water turned to wine, the loaves and fishes, healing and restoring of senses. We experience a miracle each time we celebrate the Eucharist as bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Miracles attributed to saints are another important part of the Catholic faith. While certainly not true miracles in the Catholic tradition, one of the greatest blessings of my new viewpoint inside of The Basilica is the opportunity to witness extraordinary transformations in the daily life of The Basilica, which to me seem miraculous. The Holy Spirit is at work here, turning small, humble offerings into blessings beyond measure. In just a few short weeks I’ve witnessed and marveled at:
- Celebration of Sacraments where our Priests anoint, heal, comfort and welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Simple ingredients and caring hands creating meals that warm and nourish those in need.
- Incredible generosity of donors whose gifts create the financial sustenance for our sacred spaces and ministries.
- Talent and dedication that form the beautiful liturgies drawing thousands to our Masses during the Advent and Christmas season.
- Instruments unloaded by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra blossoming into the breathtaking sounds of Handel’s Messiah.
- Volunteers giving time and care to provide rent support, warm clothing, transportation vouchers and basic needs.
Each day at The Basilica, ordinary acts become extraordinary through the gifts of the Spirit. It is a profound privilege to witness and be part of this transformative work.
As we move forward, may we all open our hearts to the wonder and abundance of these blessings. Let us always seek to share our own gifts—whether through service, prayer, or treasure—and join in the miracle of building a more compassionate and faithful world.
Jill Ahern
Managing Director of Mission Advancement (interim)