Source and Summit
The celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the life of the Church. The Christian community gathers to celebrate the mystery of God’s love as it is revealed in the sacred Scriptures and in the sacrificial meal. Those who gather are fed by the Word and by the Body and Blood of Christ.
First Eucharist
We are excited that your family will be celebrating your child’s First Eucharist with us at The Basilica. We hope you find the experience fruitful and enriching to your own faith life. The celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the life of the Church. The Christian community gathers to celebrate the mystery of God’s love as it is revealed in the sacred Scriptures and in the sacrificial meal. Those who gather are fed by the Word and by the Body and Blood of Christ.
First Eucharist preparation for families with children age seven (Grade 2) and above is offered once a year. The sacrament is celebrated during the season of Easter in the Spring. Children must be active participants in faith formation programs at The Basilica or be enrolled in a Catholic school. In addition, children must receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation before preparing for First Eucharist.
Preparation involves:
- One Parent First Communion meeting over Zoom
- Parent-child activities to do at home
- Two Parent/Child Meeting in the Great Hall of the School
- Families are encouraged to attend the 11:30am Mass following the meetings to reinforce the lessons.
- First Communion Celebrations (parents will sign up for a date in March)
Sunday, May 4, Noon Mass
Parish Policies for Sacraments:
Important – Read Before Registering for Sacramental Preparation and Faith Formation:
- All families celebrating sacraments at The Basilica of Saint Mary must be registered member of the parish.
- Youth must participate in weekly classes the year in which they are to receive the sacrament, and attend Mass on a weekly basis.
- A recently issued copy of your child’s baptism certificate MUST be on file at the Basilica PRIOR to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation and First Eucharist. If your child was baptized at the Basilica, you will not need to request a copy.
- Effective 2025-2026 Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation School Year: All students must be registered and Attend Faith Formation or Catholic School the year prior to preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.
First Reconciliation/First Communion Preparation
If you join The Basilica after our program year starts, we still warmly welcome you to enroll your children for the balance of the program year, providing there is adequate time for preparation (at least 3-4 months).
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24 25 First Reconciliation And First Communion
The Eucharist, from the Greek eucharistein, “to give thanks,” is the sacramental celebration of the Divine Mystery. It consists of two parts. During the liturgy of the Word, the community hears the story of salvation as it has been revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the liturgy of the table, the community celebrates Jesus' sacrifice for the life of the world.
Today's celebration is characterized by full, conscious and active participation of the entire assembly. The emphasis on the presence of Christ has shifted away the Eucharistic bread and wine only, to include the assembly, the priest and the Word.
Questions? Please Contact:
Katie Wethli
Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation
Katie joined The Basilica staff in August 2023. Her previous roles include Director of Music at Saint…