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Young Adult Ministry Discussion

November 19, 2023 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

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Young Adult Ministry Discussion

Sunday, November 19 at 12:30pm (following the 11:30 AM Mass)

The Basilica Dining Room

Please join Dr. Johan van Parys, Rámond Mitchell, and Janice Andersen to provide your insight and perspective for this ministry that will help us to move strategically into the next phase of BYA in our parish. 

Our hope is that out of this gathering we can implement a leadership team that would be connected to a Basilica staff person and would focus on four areas: speakers, spiritual, social, and service. These areas would be rooted in growing BYA to enable young adults to be called to holiness, community, and service. 

If you would like to attend, please let Rámond or Janice know.


The Basilica of Saint Mary
1600 Hennepin Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55403 United States

+ Google Map
Phone: 612.333.1381
Website: https://www.mary.org

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