Full and Active Participation at The Basilica September 5, 2024

Last May, I was invited to speak to the adults to be confirmed as Catholics at Pentecost in our Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) program about “What’s Next” in their spiritual journey. I pondered for weeks what to say about volunteer ministries and participation at The Basilica. Already a nervous public speaker, self-doubt began to creep in. “We usually have speakers with advanced degrees (and perhaps several of them!) leading discussions,” I thought. “What expertise could I possibly have to share?”

I realized I didn’t need an education in theology or Catholic studies to discuss the spiritual benefits of volunteering — how it brings us closer to God and an understanding of God’s plan for us. As we serve others freely, we get a glimpse of Christ’s compassion, humility, and tremendous love for us and for every one of our sisters and brothers.

It doesn’t take a medical degree to understand the physical and emotional benefits of volunteering — how we feel less lonely, with lower rates of depression and anxiety. When we work in service of others we grow in self-esteem and satisfaction. As a new volunteer recently texted after a shift, “it felt really nice, I had a really good time.”

And I don’t need a background in accounting or executive management to demonstrate the organizational benefits of volunteering — how The Basilica can do so much more as a parish and in the community due to the efforts of hundreds of volunteers filling over 1,200 roles. The “return on investment” of these volunteer efforts is enormous, with a far greater impact than the paid staff could ever achieve alone.

Instead, I spoke from my own personal experiences. How I came to The Basilica as a young adult, not knowing many people in the area, and became Catholic. l wanted to become more involved with this vibrant parish community and began volunteering. I want to share this parish with my son on his spiritual journey. And how we are all called to be full and active participants using our time, talents, and spiritual gifts to lift up the Body of Christ and this community. 

The Basilica has over 85 volunteer ministries and many of them start up in the coming weeks after a summer break. Some of our greatest needs include: mentoring with Hennepin Connections students or Basilica Re-entry neighbors; Music Ministry with our contemporary ensemble, Mundus, or the Cathedral Choir; Eucharistic Ministers and Usher/Greeters; OCIA sponsors; Faith Formation or Sacramental Preparation teachers or hall monitors; or Safety and Security volunteers. A full list of ministries is available at mary.org/volunteer along with the corresponding staff member’s contact information.

Paraphrasing John 15: 9-11, we are each invited to remain in God’s love. That invitation is to abide, to dwell, and to continually strive to be more aware of God’s infinite love. In doing so, John says, God’s joy will be in each of us and our joy will be complete.

Melissa Streit
Director of Engagement