Give Ways to Give

Please consider a gift to support our vibrant ministries and programs. Thank you for lifting up our Basilica community.

Empowering Vital Ministries, Engagement, and Operations

Your financial support enhances our current programs, supports new initiatives, and continues our outreach efforts with renewed vigor.

  • 676 volunteers served in 102 ministry roles
  • 208 Faith Formation Students (PreK – Grade 12)
  • 150 young adults participated in Basilica Young Adults (BYA)
  • 25 Basilica YES Participants (Youth Engaged in Service)
  • 10 Young Family Ministry gatherings

Give Now

St. Vincent de Paul

Your gift supports our life-saving outreach ministries, alleviating the suffering and promoting the dignity of our neighbors in need. Your partnership is crucial and offers hope to those who need it most.

Give Now

Stock/Planned Giving

Stock Gifts
Gifts of securities, including appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds, may provide special tax advantages.
How to make a stock gift: Stock Instructions. The Basilica Of Saint Mary
Notify Char Myhre if you are making a gift of stock at 612.317.3498.

Stock Gift Notification Form

Planned Giving
Leave a legacy that reflects your faith. It’s easy to postpone decisions about our estates, whatever size they may be. Through your bequests you set an example of philanthropy and preserve what mattered to you during your lifetime.

  • Leaving a legacy gift through your Will
  • Establish a Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Creating a gift annuity
  • Designate The Basilica of Saint Mary as a beneficiary of a 401(k), IRA, or life insurance policy.
    Basilica of Saint Mary tax ID 41-0695501 or The Basilica Landmark tax ID 41-1754864

All individuals and families who make a planned gift automatically become members of The Basilica Landmark Legacy Society.

Other Donations

Donations for those in need

Every little bit can help a family or person in need.

The 'Two-For-One' Program

Next time you buy household and personal products, purchase two instead of one. Then bring the extra to The Basilica.

  • Drop-off donations in the Reardon Rectory.
  • Items collected will be distributed to St. Vincent de Paul Outreach guests.
  • We need socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, shampoo, feminine products, diapers, lotion, hairbrushes and fleece blankets.


Give thanks for what you have and help those who don’t.

Take food or monetary contributions directly to a local food shelf.

Clothing and Housewares

Donate items to St. Vincent de Paul Stores. A complete list of accepted items is available on their website.

Donate career clothing to organizations that support people looking for work such as Dress for Success Twin Cities.


The Basilica is NOT able to take furniture donations.

You can donate furniture to these organizations:


Sue McGuigan

Development Officer

Sue McGuigan joined The Basilica of Saint Mary parish in 2009 and has been a regular volunteer…
