Global Solidarity Partnership January 25, 2024

The Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis has a formal partnership with the diocese of Kitui, Kenya. This partnership was formed in 2004 in response to the US Catholic Bishops’ document, “A Call to Solidarity with Africa.”

The Partnership Mission Statement, written by teams in Kitui and the Minnesota, defines the relationship as existing “in recognition of our communion in the Body of Christ for the mutual sharing of our faith, our experiences, our cultures and our resources – gifts to us from God.” Rooted in mutuality, the solidarity partnership provides opportunities for building relationships, strengthening faith, and sharing resources through many shared activities and projects.

In 2024, the partnership will celebrate its 20-year anniversary.  To commemorate this milestone, in May 2024 delegates from Kitui, Kenya will travel to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. They will encounter local Catholics, parishes, and liturgies and continue to build relationships—cornerstones of the partnership over the last two decades. 

The Basilica has been asked to help welcome the delegates. We are excited for this opportunity to connect and learn from them—joining in worship, breaking bread, visiting our city, and sharing our life together. 

If you are interested in learning more and engaging with our sisters and brothers from Kitui, Kenya, please contact Janice Andersen, Director of Christian Life.