2025 Shoe Drive
Volunteers needed to sort and count shoe donations after Masses the weekends of March 1/2 & 8/9.
Contact Julia Buege-Freeman to volunteer. Call 612.317.3413 or Email Julia
Basilica Re-entry Mentor Program
Mentors accompany our neighbors returning from prison who have mental health needs and a desire for a spiritual connection.
Contact Janice Andersen at 612.317.3477 or Email Janice
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. The ministry is open to registered and confirmed parish members.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Hennepin Connections Mentor
Mentor and open your life to a student at Minneapolis College. Flexible schedule.
Contact Janice Andersen to volunteer. Call 612.317.3477 or Email Janice
Music Ministry for Adults
Volunteer opportunities in our Cathedral Choir, Mundus, Contemporary Ensemble, or as an instrumentalist.
For information and auditions, call 612.317.3472 or Email Patrick
OCIA sponsors
Sponsors accompany an adult inquiring about becoming Catholic with prayer, attending Mass, and meeting regularly through the year.
Contact Katie Wethli to volunteer. Call 612.317.3439 or Email Katie
Rectory Receptionist
Greet all who contact us with compassion and courtesy, discern needs and assist accordingly, in a professional and hospitable environment.
Contact Kris McBride to volunteer. Call 612.317.3518 or Email Kris
Refugee/Immigration Welcome
Partnering with Lutheran Social Service, develop a relationship with a refugee/ immigrant family, helping them learn about/assimilate to U.S. life.
Contact Janice Andersen at 612.317.3477 or Email Janice
Safety and Security
Provide respectful safety and security for those who come to The Basilica, through the practical eye of security.
Contact Joe Cybert to volunteer. Call 612.317.3415 or Email Joe
Usher & Greeter
Model Christ’s compassion and warmth to all who enter our doors. Greet guests, receive the collection, and distribute newsletters.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond