When I was a child, my father sang in the church choir. He would take me with him to the Holy Week liturgies in my small town church. I would sit on the floor of the choir loft as he and other adults in the choir sang. To this day, it is the music that stays with me and triggers the special memories of being with my dad at this time of year.
This year the beauty of The Basilica’s Holy Week liturgies is staying with me. The music at The Basilica moves my heart and soul. I am so grateful to the choir members and the musicians who make our Triduum services so memorable and impactful.
The number of volunteers that participate in support of these liturgies is inspiring as are the hours worked by our staff in so many capacities. Offering these incredible worship experiences takes extraordinary passion and commitment.
Together with our Priest presiders who challenge us to live our faith day to day, all these people make Holy Week at The Basilica a beautiful, moving, and truly unforgettable experience.
If you appreciated these experiences at The Basilica, I must ask for your financial support to keep these high-quality experiences available to us all throughout the year.
As we face the final quarter of our fiscal year, we find ourselves with a gap in our fundraising. We need to raise another $100,000 over and above our regular giving to end the year on budget.
If you value what The Basilica offers through its liturgies, music and many impactful and life-changing ministries, I ask that you support our parish financially. We are hoping that 100 new people will make the choice to become recurring donors to support the wonderful offerings at The Basilica.
A recurring, automated gift allows you to give generously on a regular basis and helps us to plan and manage our budget. It’s easy and so helpful. Please set up your recurring gift today at mary.org/give.
Please help us to carry our mission. Your gifts make it possible to serve as a home of spiritual nourishment where all may be touched by beauty, nourished in their faith, and be inspired by truth.
Your support makes it possible for us to be beacon of hope – a place of welcome for all, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and help us to provide help and care especially to those most in need.
With your help, we can continue to be an advocate of change working toward justice, peace and equality for all and a place that promotes the protection of all creation.
We are grateful for your presence and participation in The Basilic community.
Terri Ashmore
Managing Director of Mission Advancement
The Basilica of Saint Mary
Executive Director of The Basilica Landmark