Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I write to you today following the sharing of our final Core Values with the Archdiocesan Catholic Center (ACC) staff. As you may remember, in the summer of 2020 we began working with a consulting firm to assess our internal operations and effectiveness. We are committed to becoming a healthier and more efficient organization by improving decision-making, communication, and focus, with the ultimate goal of serving you better. I am grateful to the many of you – priests, parish business administrators, Catholic schools staff, and others – who have been instrumental in guiding this work and continue to do so. Our Core Values were born out of that work, to set the standard of how we will interact with you and all others whom we have the privilege of serving and encountering.
Here are the Core Values and corresponding behaviors to which we are committed:
- Christ-centered: Model Christ-like humility, forgiveness, joy, and love. Learn from the Gospel and prayerfully act accordingly. Support the Church’s mission to spread the Good News.
- Respect: Honor the God-given dignity of every person. Acknowledge the talents and good work of others. Listen attentively to the voices of others.
- Integrity: Responsibly perform our work and follow through on commitments. Communicate honestly, courageously, and charitably. Humbly admit mistakes and learn from them.
- Stewardship: Maintain accountability for all God has entrusted to us. Be modest and creative in the consumption of our resources. Use our gifts for the glory of God and the greatest common good.
- Service: Put the concerns of others ahead of our own. Show special care for the neglected and marginalized. Anticipate and promptly respond to the needs of those we serve.
Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis