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- Liturgy Volunteers
Altar servers serve God and our community at the altar. Acolytes serve monthly on team; training is provided.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Altar Guild
Gather in the church every third Saturday from 9am – noon for cleaning, polishing, and general tasks.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Serve as singer and leader of congregational song at Sat 5:00pm and Sun 7:30 and 9:30am Masses, and at special…
Contact Sam Holmberg to volunteer. Call 612.317.3505 or Email Sam
Concert/Event Usher
Assist at events to help greet concert/event patrons, provide helpful information, distribute and collect leaflets and assist with seating.
Contact Sam Holmberg to volunteer. Call 612.317.3505 or Email Sam
Sharing the history, architecture, and traditions of The Basilica and the Roman Catholic Church to visitors and community groups.
Contact Melissa Streit to volunteer. Call 612.317.3417 or Email Melissa
Eucharist to the Homebound
Help homebound Basilica members experience regular connection with their faith community and the Eucharist. Volunteers are commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers.
Contact Sophie Burroughs to volunteer. Call 612.317.3474 or Email Sophie
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. The ministry is open to registered and confirmed parish members.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Auditions required. Lectors for each week attend rehearsal on Tuesday evenings.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Marriage Mentor Couple
Married couples assist engaged couples prepare spiritually, practical, and realistically for their married lives together.
Contact Katie Wethli to volunteer. Call 612.317.3439 or Email Katie
Music Ministry for Adults
Volunteer opportunities in our Cathedral Choir, Mundus, Contemporary Ensemble, or as an instrumentalist.
For information and auditions, call 612.317.3472 or Email Patrick
Music Ministry for Children and Youth
Volunteer opportunities in our Children’s Choir, Choristers, and Juventus ensembles.
For information and voice checks, call 612.317.3472 or Email Patrick
OCIA sponsors
Sponsors accompany an adult inquiring about becoming Catholic with prayer, attending Mass, and meeting regularly through the year.
Contact Katie Wethli to volunteer. Call 612.317.3439 or Email Katie