The Basilica’s music series at the 5:00pm Saturday Mass of Anticipation.
February 25: Steven Kim, soloist
March 11: The Master Singers; Gary Schwartzhoff, director (will be Gary’s 30th and final season conducting The Master Singers)
March 25: CSB/SJU Chamber Choir; Brad Miller, director
April 15: Luther College Cathedral Choir; Mark Potvin, director
April 22: Con Brio Choir (Angelica Cantanti); Ann Williams, director
April 29: The Campanile Handbell Ensemble; Drew Stolba, director
May 6: St. Croix Sacred Ensemble; Deborah Fristad, director
May 13: Minnesota Boychoir; Mark Johnson, director
May 20: Bismarck State College Chamber Choir; Dr. Jason Thoms, director
May 27: Basilica Cathedral Choristers