Our Vibrant Faith Community June 29, 2023

As I write, our parish is coming up on our fiscal year end, June 30. We are in the count down. Because we depend on day-to-day giving online, by mail and in the pews, we won’t know until mid-July exactly where we have ended the year compared to our budget. The financial picture will be clearer once the books are closed, and analysis done.

 We do know – and this is incredible news – that over 400 people donated to help us earn the Matching Challenge Gift of $50,000. We are excited to have achieved this goal with the support of so many people.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have made gifts to support Basilica ministries and operations throughout this past year, and to those that helped us achieve this match. Our ministries and our work to carry out our mission are only possible because of your financial commitment, volunteer engagement and participation.

Coming out of COVID presented some struggles as we have tried and find our “new normal.” But each day that passes with activities, events, ministries, and with every round of weekend liturgies, there are more and more people drawn back into our Basilica of Saint Mary orbit. That is really exciting to see and experience. There is a new energy and a yearning to come back together in conversation about our faith, to worship together and be inspired by great music and homilies, and sometimes to come back together just for fun.

This past week, over 60 people participated in a talk about Nelson Mandela and spiritual life lessons about how to achieve forgiveness in the toughest circumstances. This winter and spring, over 100 people participated regularly in a series of compelling conversations about restorative justice and healing.

On one recent spring weekend was the confirmation of 47 of our Basilica youth from 8th graders through high school. As a long time staff member, it has been a joy to see many of these children as they’ve grown from toddlers to now take this important sacramental step on their faith journey as part of our Basilica parish.

The power of what a faith community can do together is evident in experiences and ministries like these and more.

Thank you for all you make possible. I hope you will continue to actively join us as we seek to carry out our mission. Our goals are not small. We strive to offer a home of spiritual nourishment—one touched by beauty that nourishes all who come to us on their faith journeys. Please help us continue to be a beacon of hope, committed to welcoming everyone with respect and dignity, especially those most in need in our city. Help us advocate for change focused on justice, peace and equality for all and for the protection of creation. These are our aspirations. To achieve them will take all of us coming together participating, praying, volunteering and offering financial support.

Mother Teresa challenged us to approach all our work with love and also reminded us that “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Working together with love, it is my sincere hope that The Basilica of Saint Mary is a faith community that will create many positive ripples of change for our families, our neighborhoods, our city and beyond.

Terri Ashmore
Managing Director of Mission Advancement / Executive Director of The Basilica Landmark