SVdP Pathways: A Time to Bless and Release April 27, 2023

Twenty-three years ago, The Basilica St. Vincent de Paul Ministry established a weekly faith-based life-skills class called Pathways. This innovative program focused on embracing the power of change by strengthening an individual’s outlook on life through awareness of God and self, relationship building, and skill development. Weekly topics produced rich discussions and, over time, a sense of true community. Relationships were built, friendships fostered, and lives changed.

Pathways was developed, implemented, and sustained by volunteers with a diversity of gifts and deep compassion for the most vulnerable. It was created by listening to the movement of the Spirit and the needs of the day. As we continue to listen and discern, we have come to recognize it is time to “Bless and Release” this long-time ministry of St. Vincent de Paul.

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose. For Pathways, the time has come to bring the program to a close.

We offer deep gratitude to all those who have served at Pathways over 23 years. We hold all those who have gathered as participants in our prayer. Countless lives have been touched—both volunteers and participants alike.

Let us Bless all those whose lives were touched by Pathways. Let us Release the energy and time to a new Spirit-filled ministry to come.

Come Holy Spirit, come.

To learn more about The Basilica St. Vincent de Paul Ministry contact Janice Andersen or Julia Buege Freeman.