Presentation from Christian Hope at the Brink of Environmental Collapse January 19, 2025

Dr. Cara Anthony

Anyone who is paying attention knows that humans are rapidly destroying the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth as we know it. What does Christian hope mean in the face of this reality? We’ll first consider the difference between Christian hope and fake optimism, then turn to what one author calls a “feral hope” – a hope that dares to grieve what is lost, and to vision a wildly renewed future.  Pope Francis calls us to cultivate three interconnected relationships: with God, other people, and all other beings. We’ll look to biblical, liturgical, and spiritual resources to ground this renewal.

Cara Anthony is a Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul. She regularly teaches a course on “Theology and the Environment.” She is currently writing about urban pilgrimages, and the power of walking to create sustainable, connected communities.

For information on the other talks in our Pilgrims of Hope series, click HERE.