Liturgical Vessels

Receive the Body and Blood of Christ
Our liturgical vessels comprise montrances, chalices, ciboriums and patens, both old and new. In addition to these our collection of liturgical metals also includes crosiers, thuribles and holy water vessels.
The word chalice comes from the Latin word for cup, calix which in turn is borrowed from the Greek. A chalice is not merely a cup. It is a sacred vessel, a receptacle. It is the site of the transformation, in mystery, of wine into redemptive, sacrificial blood. As a vessel of the Eucharist, it is intimately involved in the central act of Christian worship. Liturgical law states that the material must be considered worthy of the precious blood, and that the bowl not be porous. Many of The Basilica's chalices were gifts. Their history lies only in what can be read off them. After years of service, only a few are in good enough repair to be used at Sunday Masses.
The Latin word ciborium is rooted in the Greek word kiborion meaning cup-shaped vessel. In the liturgy a ciborium or covered cup-shaped vessed is used for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle.
Rooted in the Latin verb monstrare meaning to show monstrances are beautiful recepticles intended to hold the Blessed Sacrament during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The word paten comes from the Latin word for shallow dish, patina of patena. A paten is used in the liturgy to hold the hosts.