Provide respectful safety and security for those who come to The Basilica, through the practical eye of security.
MoreMentor and open your life to a student at Minneapolis College. Flexible schedule.
MoreLearn to livestream Mass. Experience with video welcome, but not required. Availability for weekday or weekend.
MoreProvide graphic design services on a project assignment basis. Work on your own schedule on your own computer—Adobe design software required. Must be able to create high quality print and…
MoreMake sandwiches and package appropriately for distribution on Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30 am in the rectory third floor dining room.
MoreOffer support to those experiencing a loss through death with written notes/cards.
MoreHelp homebound Basilica members experience regular connection with their faith community and the Eucharist. Volunteers are commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers.