Once again, it’s the season to begin reflecting and planning for ourselves and for the coming fiscal year 2023-2024 at The Basilica.
We are in the midst of our Voices of the Parish project to hear to from our parishioners through listening sessions with Fr. Griffith; to be followed by focus groups and a survey later this spring. You are invited into the process for electing 2023-2024 Parish Council representatives. Whether you seek a nomination for one of the two open positions, one representative each for Liturgy and Christian Life, or you become involved by committing to vote, please lend your voice to the process.
Parishioners are invited to nominate excellent candidates who are registered parish members to represent the Christian Life and Liturgy and Sacred Arts areas to the Parish Council by April 14.
You may nominate yourself or someone you think would thrive in one of the positions. Please call Terri Ashmore at 612.317.3471 if you have any questions. See the current Parish Council at mary.org/parishcouncil.
In accordance with our Parish Council Constitution, the election process is scheduled as follows:
· On March 11 the link to the nomination form will be available in the E-news and on our newly redesigned website at mary.org/pcnominations.
· On March 12, 19, and 26, our weekly newsletter will post requests for nominations. Nominations also will be requested in the April/May Bulletin and on The Basilica’s Facebook page.
· On March 25 and April 8, a link to the nominations form will be listed in the E-news.
· April 14 is the deadline for nominations. The nominees must have experience with the ministerial departments for which they are nominated.
After nominations are received, the Parish Council Nominations Committee, chaired by current Parish Council Vice Chair, Steven Kim, will promptly review nominations for experience and select at least two nominees to run for the council. All nominees will be notified of the results and those running will be asked to provide a photograph and bio sheet by April 21.
· On May 20 the Parish E-news will announce that elections open on May 26.
· A ballot will be enclosed the June/July Bulletin, in homes on approximately May 26.
· From May 26-June 5 our website will announce that elections are open with ballot link available online.
· On May 27 candidate Facebook announcement
· On June 3 look for a Parish E-news link to an online ballot.
· On Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4, ballots will be in the church.
· Monday, June 5 is the deadline to submit your ballot online or by mail.
The Parish Council currently has one At-Large member, a Finance Committee representative, and a Development representative whose terms of service are expiring. These positions are appointed by the Pastor in consultation with Parish Trustees and approved by the current Parish Council.
Your voice is important! Please prayerfully join in this process.
Wishing you a blessed Lent and a joyous Easter season.
Jill Reilly
Parish Council Chair
The Basilica of Saint Mary