Getting Started Each of us possesses useful gifts which are infused and sanctified at Baptism. God calls us to prayerfully and critically assess our talents, gifts, and skills.
Lord God, In your loving kindness, you sent your Son to be our shepherd and our guide. Continue to send workers into your vineyard to sustain and direct your people. Amen.
There are about 85 active volunteer ministries at The Basilica. The Basilica has different departments, all with volunteer ministry needs. Our pastoral departments encompass Liturgy, Sacraments, Faith Formation, and Christian Life. We also have Administration roles in office support, development, buildings and grounds, and with our parish governance committees.
Every volunteer ministry at The Basilica has a written job description, including:
- The title of the position.
- The staff and/or volunteer position(s) to whom the person will report.
- General or overall responsibilities, position's goal(s), and how it fits into the structure and mission of The Basilica
Thinking about all of these considerations help find a ministry at The Basilica that is fulfilling and engaging for you.
If you have questions please contact The Basilica's Director of Engagement Melissa Streit.
Each of us possesses useful gifts which are infused and sanctified at Baptism. God calls us to prayerfully and critically assess our talents, gifts, and skills. As you consider a volunteer ministry, possibly:
- Think of activities at The Basilica or elsewhere that fill you with joy or energy.
- Ask people you trust and who know you well about your strengths.
- Consider your Spiritual Gifts and discover possible ministries in which to serve Christ.
Other Considerations
You may want to consider other elements of volunteer ministry, such as frequency, schedule, location, and more. Are you introverted or extroverted? A leader or do you prefer to be led? Do you need a flexible schedule or prefer a regular commitment?
Safe Environment Requirements
Every volunteer over age 18 is asked to sign the Archdiocesan Adult Volunteer's Code of Conduct annually. In accordance with Archdiocesan policies, VIRTUS safe environment training is required for volunteers serving children, youth, and vulnerable adults
Learn more at our Safe Environment page.
If you have questions please contact our Director of Engagement and Safe Environment Coordinator, Melissa Streit.
Your Spiritual Gifts may inspire you to use your gifts in various ways within our parish community, using the gifts with which God has blessed you. Spiritual Gifts include:
Administration: Organizing information, events, people, or materials to accomplish a project or fulfill a purpose.
Apostleship: Perceiving and accepting God's call to lead others in their spirituality.
Caregiving: Willingly bearing the burdens of others and helping them to do their tasks more effectively.
Communication: Communicating or to understanding in forms or communication beyond the ordinary.
Craftsmanship: Creating, building, maintaining, or repairing items.
Discernment: Knowing with assurance whether a certain behavior or teaching is from God.
Discipleship: Giving witness to the Gospels by leading and inspiring others to follow Christ.
Encouragement: Standing beside other people who are in need and bringing comfort, counsel, and encouragement so they feel helped.
Faith: Trusting in God and God’s Word; perceiving and following the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Generosity/Giving: Responding to God’s blessings by sharing your energies, abilities, and material blessings.
Healing: Being used by God to bring about a person’s physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual healing.
Hospitality: Warmly welcoming people, even strangers; serving those in need of food, lodging, or belonging.
Intercession: Consistently praying on behalf of and for others, with the certainty that prayers are heard and answered according to what God knows is best for us.
Knowledge: Learning, understanding, analyzing and uncovering new insights with regard to Church teaching, Scripture, and faith, plus knowledge of the ways of sharing this learning gracefully.
Mercy: Feeling deeply for those in physical, spiritual, or emotional need, and exercising the gift in kindness and compassion.
Missionary: Crossing geographic, cultural, or economic barriers to bear witness to Christ’s teachings through word and actions.
Music: Expressing personal faith and providing inspiration or comfort through the playing of a musical instrument, singing, or dancing.
Leadership: Motivating, coordinating, and directing others, with care and diligence, to get involved in the accomplishment of community goals and objectives.
Trust: Accomplishing much toward achieving God's will in our Church and community.
Prophet: Interpreting and applying God's revelation in a given situation.
Service: Seeing what needs to be done and doing it.
Teaching: Clearly explaining the truths of the Church, Scripture, and faith so that others might know, and have a relationship with, God.
Wisdom—The special ability that God gives to use knowledge in a practical way.
There are many organizations in our community that welcome your volunteerism. We strongly recommend refraining from in-person volunteer activity if you are in a higher-risk category, have any symptoms of illness, or have been in proximity of anyone with symptoms of illness.
Helping Ukraine
Many of the faithful would like to contribute to help our sisters and brothers in Ukraine. The Archdiocese recommends contributing through Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Here is a CRS Ukraine Fact Sheet.
Supplies and In-Kind Donations
The Basilica is not accepting in-kind donations of food, supplies, clothing, or housewares. Please consider donating your items to the St Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.
People Serving People relies on volunteers to deliver three meals a day to rooms. Currently, their highest need is for volunteers who can help with breakfast and weekend shifts on a regular basis. To volunteer, contact Halley at or 612-277-0246.
Financial Donations
The Basilica's St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) outreach ministres supports our neighbors in need. Learn more about our outreach ministries here, and 100% of your SVdP donations go directly to the people we serve.
Many other organizations are accepting financial donations to assist with rebuilding efforts in our community. We are not endorsing any organization and encourage you to research the organization's mission and tax-deductibility before making financial gifts.
It is the policy of The Basilica to provide a healthy, safe environment for those receiving and providing its ministries. The Basilica emphasizes building healthy relationships among its various constituencies, including staff, contractors, volunteers and persons to whom The Basilica ministers.
If you suspect abuse, your first call should be to law enforcement. You can also contact the Archdiocese’s Victim Assistance Program at 651-291-4475.
Learn more at our Safe Environment page.
If you have questions please contact our Director of Engagement and Safe Environment Coordinator, Melissa Streit.
View and download a PDF of our complete Volunteer Handbook here. It includes information about The Basilica campus and maps, safety/security, staff contacts and general communications.
All adult volunteers are asked to sign a Archdiocesan Code of Conduct Form annually.
Some ministry roles require additional credentials, possibly including a background check and online Safe Environment Training. We will contact volunteers with additional requirements, or email Melissa Streit to learn what credentials you may need.
Quick Links:
Online Background Check Authorization Form
(please only complete of you are notified this is a requirement for your ministry)
"When we live out a spirituality of drawing nearer to others and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the Lord’s greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.”
Volunteer Ministry at The Basilica should enrich you, enhance our congregation, and serve our community. Through your volunteer efforts and God's grace, your connection to the Church, your community, and to God should grow and deepen.
On behalf of our pastor, Fr. Daniel Griffith, and the entire Basilica staff, we thank you for your volunteer ministry and are committed providing you the most meaningful experience possible. We are grateful for your partnership to seek the well-being of our parish and our community.
The Basilica's Return on Volunteer Investment (ROVI) is the ratio of the value of volunteer hours (in dollars) compared to the value of staff time invested. At The Basilica, over $2 in volunteer value contribution is received for every $1 spent on staff investment.
Browse All Opportunities
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- Greatest Needs
- Christian Life Volunteers
- Liturgy Volunteers
- Administration Volunteers
Employment Ministry
Volunteers provide one-on-one assistance with resume writing, interviewing, transitions, and self-assessment and/or facilitate Employment Ministry workshops.
Contact Sophie Burroughs to volunteer. Call 612.317.3474 or Email Sophie
Eucharist to the Homebound
Help homebound Basilica members experience regular connection with their faith community and the Eucharist. Volunteers are commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers.
Contact Sophie Burroughs to volunteer. Call 612.317.3474 or Email Sophie
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. The ministry is open to registered and confirmed parish members.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Finance Committee
Parish Finance, Audit or Budget Committees for leaders with experience in finance, accounting, or similar fields. Interview required.
Contact Audra Johnson for information. Call 612.317.3422 or Email Audra
Funeral Hospitality
Join a call list to help with set up, serve food/beverages, and clean up. No cooking required, weekday availability helpful.
Contact Sophie Burroughs to volunteer. Call 612.317.3474 or Email Sophie
Garden Care
Help with watering and weeding of the Mary Garden (east side of the church) or the Circle Garden (17th Street).
Contact Kris McBride to volunteer. Call 612.317.3518 or Email Kris
Graphic Designer
Provide graphic design services on a project assignment basis. Work on your own schedule on your own computer—Adobe design software…
Contact Mae Desaire to volunteer. Call 612.317.3520 or Email Mae
Grief Ministry
Offer support to those experiencing a loss through death with written notes/cards.
Contact Sophie Burroughs to volunteer. Call 612.317.3474 or Email Sophie
Habitat for Humanity
Look for our build week dates August 2025.
Construction volunteers, register here. Food donations call 612.317.3413 or Email Julia
Hennepin Connections Mentor
Mentor and open your life to a student at Minneapolis College. Flexible schedule.
Contact Janice Andersen to volunteer. Call 612.317.3477 or Email Janice
Lawn Care
Help maintain lawns and flower beds around Basilica campus. Volunteers mow on Wednesday mornings; tasks on other weekdays available.
Contact Kris McBride to volunteer. Call 612.317.3518 or Email Kris
Proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Auditions required. Lectors for each week attend rehearsal on Tuesday evenings.
Contact Rámond Mitchell to volunteer. Call 612.317.3433 or Email Rámond
Questions? Please Contact:
Melissa Streit
Director of Engagement and Safe Environment Coordinator
Melissa Streit has been a parish member and active volunteer at The Basilica for 25 years. She…