Celebrate with Saint Phoebe in the Month of her Feast Day
In response to calls by the Vatican for the People of God to receive and discern the will of the Holy Spirit about “rethinking women’s participation” in Catholic leadership and ministry, The Basilica had women offer reflections on the scriptures at all Masses September 23 and 24. We joined over 150 parishes throughout the country, including 8 in the Archdiocese, in listening in a special way to the voice of women in the Church.
- Saturday, September 23, 5:00 Mass: Ann Bukoskey
- Sunday, September 24, 7:30am & 9:30am Mass: Stacy Glaus
- Sunday, September 24, 11:30 Mass: Edith-Nicole Cameron
- Sunday, September 24, 5:00pm Mass: Felicia De Santos